Access Link discuss IPAF Rental+
The Access Link, the UK/Ireland association of independent regional access companies, held its quarterly meeting at the Lion Quays Hotel and Spa in Oswestry, Shropshire last week.
IPAF auditor Stephanie Nolan Byrne outlined the IPAF Rental Plus standard, which was followed by a Question & Answers session, during which a number of members expressed discontent with aspects of how IPAF has handled the scheme to date and a suggested a number of proposed improvements to improve it.
Access Link meeting hosted by Skyjack UK
Chris Womack – representing Womack Access – was warmly welcomed to the company’s first meeting, having been recently elected as a member. Two more members were also elected during the meeting, KDM in Northern Ireland and Blulift in Limerick, Ireland. Both companies will attend the next meeting, which will be hosted by Haulotte on the 15th January.
John Ball of Velocity Rental Solutions/The Access Link (L) and Chris Womack of Womack Access
The meeting was hosted by Skyjack UK, which brought along a range of aerial lifts for demonstration at the venue. During the meeting, Skyjack product and business development manager David Hall also presented the company’s latest products and developments, particularly in the areas of electronics and tracking information.